Forum Replies Created
Allo alll
Yep its that day when ya never know where it’ll end!!
car,field,tent or house!!!!!!
Where ever ya end up….
:bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl:bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl
Ave a tiptoptasticaly sublime time………………………
:crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz:crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz :crazy_diz
Recommended item of clothing for the discerning partier this weekend……………………….
raaa uv wellingtons!!!raaa
“peace to all”Allo angel
Didn’t see the morning message till just now
And thanks again.
Had a blinder of a day…..
eres wishing all ya a blinder of a night..:bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl
Big love an big BASS to alll…………I had a blinder of a day.
Cheers angel.
ere’s wishing all and sundry a kick ass night wiv
what eva ya all up to………
Big Love
Big bass to alll.
:weee: :weee: :weee: :weee: :weee:Allo whale stomp..
Don’t mean to be rude but wakey fuckin wakey….
I’m new on this site but not the game.
An if me be talking outa place den criticisms will be taken on board..
But any one doin gigs generally needs to ave a few brain cells at least..
An anyone wiv any brain cells wouildn’t post a f****in number on ere would they??????
As i said maybe ya need a cup of coffee sunshine!!!!
Peace an love to all…
ShAdO :bounce_g: :bounce_fl :crazy_diz:crazy_dru:bounce_fl :bounce_g: -